Our after-school program features a multi-faceted approach to the music industry. Allows students access to a complete overview and understanding of the music industry. Shows the wide variety of options available to them in order to thrive in the world of music.

The programs duration of 6 weeks provides the students with the ability to choose a music genre of focus. They then form a band and proceed to develop the music, production, and marketing of the songs they create together. Opening their eyes to how many facets exists within the music business and how to preform for true success.


Our Mission

Built on the foundation of positive reinforcement, our non-profit organization changes lives by bringing the music industry to youth through mobile recording studios that feature a unique combination of hands-on education, state of the art equipment, and relevant curriculum delivered by the compassion and commitment of veterans in the industry, staff, and volunteers.

Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.
— Plato


We seek those young who aspire to have a future involving music and possess the passion to pursue their dreams. MMI provides a complete curriculum to help the students better understand all the options available in the music industry. Demonstrating the drive and hard work that it takes to be successful and to encourage the curiosity and forward thinking it takes to succeed are the disciplines that the organization are built on.